Book Review- Rhythm of Love, Rahul Prasad Kanu


Rhythm of Love

The story of Rhythm of Love starts with a man lying unconsciousness who is then taken to a rehabilitation centre where he is looked after by a nurse named Indu. He comes out of his comma and narrates his story about his love with the girl named Angelina who is a very practical girl with little love or affection for our protagonist. She leads a practical life and leaves him in the end.

We then learn that the protagonist Dorji had gone to America and on his return found his mother (whom he could not contact for last six months) dead (she dies before his arrival), Being a  drug addict, he drives to fetch drugs but becomes unconscious. While he is recovering, the nurse named Indu reveals that she was in one-sided love with him all the while. The story ends in a predictable manner with a happy ending.

This is what the back cover states-

Everyone has a heart, an organ which pumps blood. For more heads, it beats 72 times a minute but for a very few, it beats, beats and beats, the count becomes meaningless the moment you feel the ‘Rhythm is not yours’. You are mesmerized!!! And when I say you cannot die at will. I mean it. God decides your day. Dorji is in love with Angel. Destiny writes their fate to meet in college. Dorji is ready to take his chances but when chances are for glances, you deserve to be in trouble. This is the story of Dorji- a warrior. This is his journey of falling in love and adoring love intricately entwining college, friendship, drugs and passion for love. Will Dorji succeed in his quest for Angel? Can honest endeavor unfold the path to glory and the difference between loving and being loved? Will his dream meet his desires? This is the story from ‘The Land of Thunder Dragons’ Bhutan. The chase of Dorji is on, Lub Dub, Lub Dub!!!

The weakness of the book lies in the fact that it resembles an Indian film. An adolescent view of life is perhaps accurately discussed in the book. Chapters and incidents seem to be farfetched at times. The use of English words comes across as a bit forced. The core message of the book i.e. ‘say no to drugs’ did not come across as forceful and was not aptly conveyed. This book can be read in a single sitting and does not require much pondering.

The redeeming factor in the book is the description of Bhutan, a country which perhaps is still relatively unknown. The author should have explored the Bhutan angle more. The story had promise but couldn’t hold its sway. Nevertheless, its still good enough for a first time author.

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