NAW Poetry

Submission Guidelines;

NAW publishes poems in English and Hindi only. All genres are welcome but the editorial team will accept only the best. 

Is there any requirement of an underlying Asian theme for the poems?

No, that criterion is applicable only to the short stories. Poems can be about anything, and about any corner of the world.

All poems must be original and unpublished works of fiction, typed and single-spaced, and may not exceed 500 lines. You are allowed to submit five poems in one calendar year. You will receive a reply within two weeks. A no reply after two weeks means that the submission was rejected.

The selected poems must not have been published previously, even online publication on your blog means that the poem is already published and we will not accept it.

Poems must be submitted in Microsoft Word Document format, as an attachment. Do not send your poem in the body of an email.

In the subject line of your e-mail submission, write your full name and the title of your poem.

Each poem must be accompanied by one-paragraph bio written in the third person. Include author’s full name, age, nationality, published work, website, etc. This must be added at the end of your poem, in the same document. (You can attach to the body of the e-mail a recent photograph, too.)

If your poem contains foreign words, include them in a Glossary at the end of your poem, with all the foreign words listed in alphabetical order. All these words must be italicized in the body of your poem.

Please understand that an acknowledgment of the submission does not guarantee publication. New Asian Writing will not pay any royalty to the poet/translator for his/her poem.

We do accept simultaneous submissions but the writer must notify us if a poem is accepted for publication elsewhere or wins an award prior to our publication.

We will not edit poems and if the work is not up to the mark or lacking in grammar, it will be rejected.

Submissions may solely be sent via e-mail to: .

By submitting your poem to New Asian Writing, you hereby agree to our Copyright clauses detailed below.

Formatting Guidelines

Do not introduce any headers, footers, section divisions, etc., apart from page number (bottom page, center).

Use bold for the main title and the author’s name only.

Indent all paragraphs of your text with one TAB. Do not leave one-line spaces between paragraphs.

Copyright Notice

Authors will give New Asian Writing permission to publish their work on our website. We retain irrevocable first electronic rights.

By submitting a poem, you certify that the work is original and you are the copyright holder of any quotes used.

After the work is published, New Asian Writing will retain the copyright. The author has the copyright of the text but the published work’s copyright is with NAW. The author has the moral right to be identified as the poet of his work. If the poem is submitted for publication elsewhere after we publish it, the author will acknowledge that it was first published in NAW.

By submitting your poem to New Asian Writing you hereby agree to the above copyright clauses.

Good luck!

न्यू एशियन राइटिंग हिंदी में कविता स्वीकार करती है. कविताये पहले किसी भी माध्यम पे नहीं छपी होनी चाहिए। कविता छपने के बाद लेखक/कवि को किसी भी प्रकार की रॉयल्टी या पुरस्कार राशि नहीं दी जाएगी। अपनी कविताये वर्ड फॉर्मेट में भेजे और हर कविता ५०० लाइन्स से अधिक न हो। ईमेल की बॉडी में भेजी गयी कविता अस्वीकृत कर दी जाएगी।

एक बार में सिर्फ पांच कविताये भेजे। दो हफ्ते के अंदर आपकी कविता का मूल्यांकन किया जायेगा। दो हफ्ते तक यदि न्यू एशियन राइटिंग से कोई जवाब नहीं आया तो इसका अर्थ यह है की आपकी कविता स्वीकार नहीं की गयी।

सब्जेक्ट लाइन में केवल अपना पूरा नाम और कविता का नाम लिखे।

हर कविता के अंत में लेखक/कवि की जीवनी होनी चाहिए. इसे थर्ड पर्सन में लिखे और उसी वर्ड फाइल में अंत में लिखे जिसमे कविता है। जीवनी में अपना नाम, नागरिकता, पहले छपे कार्यो इत्यादि का वर्णन लिख सकते हैं। अपनी एक तस्वीर भी ईमेल में भेजे।

यदि आपकी कविता में दूसरी भाषा के शब्द इस्तेमाल हुए हैं तो उन्हें ग्लोसरी में सबसे अंत में लिख सकते हैं। ऐसे सारे शब्द इटैलिकस में होने चाहिए।

अगर न्यू एशियन राइटिंग के स्वीक्र्त करने से पहले कविता कही स्वीकार हो जाये तो कृपया हमे सूचित अवश्य करे।

अपनी कविता हमे ईमेल द्वारा इस पते पे भेजिए:

कॉपीराइट क्लॉज़ इंग्लिश फॉर्मेट में ऊपर दिए जा चुके हैं।



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