‘A Winter Song’ by Sonam Dema

Give me a winter wrapped in pleasing fragility of intense cold,

Of unequivocal bliss of dancing snowflakes,

Melting into the flashing sunlight.


Give me a winter filled with chuckles of mischievous children,

Of outrageous snowball fights, red cheeks and snorts,

While their traceless footprints melt into the snow.


Give me a winter thawed by the burning hearth of my home,

Like a cat neatly dozes off to the sound of the boiling kettle,

Of the warmth of being surrounded by loved ones.


Sonam DemaSonam Dema
is Bhutanese, currently working as television news editor with Bhutan Broadcasting Service in Thimphu, Bhutan. She also works as a part-time editor for a youth magazine in Bhutan ‘Students’ Digest’. She started her career as a print journalist. She loves photography, traveling remote places and writing poetry. Her dream is to buy her dream farm house and keep writing.

You can contact her at sonamdema123@gmail.com

She blogs at www.sonamdema.blogspot.com

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