Book Name: The Sane Psychopath
Author: Salil Desai
Publisher: Fingerprint
Genre: Fiction
Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: Finding inspiration in a real life incident that took place in Pune years ago, where a state transport bus driver went on a rampage on the streets of the city, Punekar Salil Desai has used this event and spun an astounding fictional psychological tale around it, one that will leave you cold with its chilling unfoldings.
Review: The Sane Psychopath deals with the trial of Shanker Lande who finds himself a victim of circumstances. Salil has managed to spin a very good yarn and the book is very well written.
For a thriller novel, the pace is a bit slow and frustrating for the reader but it picks up and manages to deliver on all counts. The mob culture and the new found culture of applying pressure to sway the course of justice is also documented in the book.
“As if on cue the sloganeering by the Sena workers and lawyers started again. Varun could not believe this was happening. Here in the court premises, in the presence of lawyers and policemen, the custodians of law, he was being treated to a medieval form of mob coercion.”
The character of Varun, a lawyer who does not compromise is very well developed. His case studies and musings with the doctor make for a very interesting read. Perhaps what is missing in this book is gender balance, a strong female character would have completed the book in all respects.
Salil has a strong grasp on language and his prose never falters. The book is a bit slow at first but delivers on all aspects and will leave you satisfied.