Covers of the ‘2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology’ (1st edition)

The first volume published by New Asian Writing is The Rage of a New Ancestor. 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology, edited by Declan O’Sullivan and illustrated by Katherine Jones.

Declan O’Sullivan is a 43 year old Bangkok-based Irish editor. He has been living and working in Thailand since 2005. He has taught Social Studies and English as a Second Language to both school and university students but has also taught Thai professionals in various businesses. He has published over 50 poems, including a collection of 12 in one anthology. He has gained a PhD in international human rights, an MPhil. degree in Peace and Conflict Studies and has published over 20 articles in academic journals. He has proof-read and edited both fiction and non-fiction for several years now. He can be contacted at naw.submissions[at]gmal[dot]com.

Katherine Jones is a 30 year old Bangkok-based Thai-British artist who has had a fulfilling life as an artist throughout Asia. She was born in Thailand but grew up in Singapore and Hong Kong, where she did most of her schooling. In 1998, she moved back to Bangkok where she has been living ever since. She has done a variety of jobs in the past 11 years, from teaching kindergarten, to opening a casting agency, to managing a night club, and to managing an art studio. Visit her website or contact her via e-mail at[at]gmail[dot]com.

You can purchase the Anthology for 10 USD from Lulu and Amazon .
You can also download the Anthology for 2 USD from Lulu.

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