‘FLY’ by Anuradha Handique

She let herself into a new world;

And let the old world go forever.

Life is short they say,

So why squander in despair that leads nowhere?


She heard the voice of hope,

Greeted dreams on her way on the road

‘Que Sera Sera’ she sang..

Never to stumble again.


Surrounded by good people and deeds,

Is this for real, or is it just a dream?

Here there is no pain or sorrow,

Everybody lives for today not tomorrow.

Poet’s Bio: Anuradha Handique is a Communications professional. When she is not working, she is either singing, cooking, travelling or writing about them. She believes – Dreams will come true, sing to be happy, cook to express love, travel to explore yourself and paint to colour life. She admits that writing poem is not one of her strengths but she is working on it. She is a dreamer and her favourite lyrics are “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” She hails from Assam (one of the seven beautiful states of the Northeast India) and is currently based in Bangalore, India. She has studied English Lit. from Delhi University.

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