‘Today’ by Ananya S Guha


is another story, not another day
every day is a story, a narration
of fact, fiction and the mind.
a dog whimpers, limps across the road.
so does another man, another woman.
still, today is different.
yesterday had another story, the moon
and a sleepless night. no dog howled.
the pines whispered, aromatic truth.
childhood caved into dreams.
winter entered into a supine night.
bristling with dreams. you, me and school.
friends who were dead appeared.
then fled away into half past midnight dreams.
I remained in the bed dreaming, not in sleep
but in daylight. hoping not to wet the bed
as in past.

what will tomorrow be like, the day after
and day after?
will the ghoulish dog still howl?
will I wet my bed?
will friends die?
or those ghosts reappear?

what will the day after tomorrow be like?
I am already fifty seven, plus one plus one
plus one…

Poet’s Bio: Ananya S Guha lives in Shillong and works in The Indira Gandhi National Open University. He holds a doctoral degree on the novels of William Golding. His poems in English have been published in both print and online, in India and abroad.

Illustration by Alan Van Every (Featured image on the front page)

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