Hawakal Publishers to publish Hesitancies by Sanjeev Sethi

Title: Hesitancies: poems
Author: Sanjeev Sethi
Published by CLASSIX (an imprint of Hawakal Publishers)
Page count: 100 | Price: INR 500 | Hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-952562-2-8

Picture Credit: Hawakal Publishers

Hesitancies is Sanjeev Sethi’s fifth book of poems. He is in fine form: he broadens his gaze, looks deeper at himself and his settings. The timbre of a lived life follows his poetic trail. To read him is to recap a glimpse of the hand one is dealt with. Sethi’s poems throb with edged sequences flirting with the savories of nuance playing footsie with the palette of possibilities. His inflection is irenic. He sutures the lesions with the fine thread of inventiveness. Hesitancies will hasp you to its interiority, urging you to seek oneness with its rhythms and residues.

Sanjeev Sethi

About the Author: Sanjeev Sethi is published in over thirty countries. His poems have found a home in more than 350 journals, anthologies, and online literary venues. Some credits: North Dakota Quarterly, Talking Writing, The Big Windows Review, Litbreak, The Recusant, The Sunday Tribune, M58 Poetry, Postcolonial Text, Indian Literature, and elsewhere. He has authored four books of poetry.

Suddenly for Someone (1988, Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi), Nine Summers Later (1997, Har-Anand, New Delhi), This Summer and That Summer (2015, Bloomsbury, New Delhi), and Bleb (2021, Hybriddreich, Scotland). Sethi is the joint-winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organized by The Hedgehog Poetry Press UK. He is in the top 10 of the erbacce prize 2021. He lives in Mumbai.

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