Desperateness does not always stink,
in the worthy life,
it lingers, hangs, shies, or slightly fades,
but it does stay,
like breathe itself.
But today she shall sing,
glories of the fading sun
‘cause when darkness,
wraps the earth,
stars are born,
the moon too glows,
when darkness reigns, its heavy chains.
If life would have
been bereft of thorns,
how would have humans known
the pain of bleeding, the masochism of toil and
the pleasure of getting
ambitions that somewhere once stayed
in eyes inner corners,
that once breathed,
in days winter.
Toil makes home,
to pleasure’s throne.
Struggle is but a lesson,
that each battle can be won.
She has flown away,
With her hair flowing,
Entangling the earth,
With her flowy hair,
Beneath the seas,
They have risen,
Stronger, mightier,
With the wink of her eyes,
She might bring down,
another sky.
Then head held high,
They will walk,
On earth,
as equal to that of man.

Poet’s Bio: Abhinita Mohanty is a research scholar in the dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences in IIT Madras. She has a master’s degree in Sociology from Hyderabad Central University.
She hails from Odisha, and currently lives in Chennai. Her articles have been published in the Outlook (web), Youthkiawwaz and Women’s web.
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