Rupa Publications to publish The RSS: Roadmaps for the 21st Century by Sunil Ambekar

Sunil Ambekar, a high-ranking pracharak, throws light on the RSS, its functioning, outreach and vision for the future through his first-hand experiences.

The book will be released by Sarsanghchalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat on I st October at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, Delhi.


The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) continues co make headlines, despite several books tracing its journey. Curiosity about the functioning of the RSS has increased phenomenally as swayamsevaks have risen to top positions in government and the Sangh’s core ideas of Hindu Rashtra and Ekatmata have become the mainstream lexicon of our sociaI and political space.

So, what is the RSS’s imagination for India? If India becomes a Hindu Rashtra, what will be the place of Muslims and other faiths in it? How big is the RSS project of history writing? Will Hindutva override caste policies? And what is the RSS view of social issues pertaining to the changing nature of family, the rights of people with different sexual orientations and  the third gender?

These contentious questions are just a few of the myriad political and social issues chat Sunil Ambekar, a high-ranking pracharak, analyses in his book, The RSS: Roadmaps for the 2lsl Cenmry.

Displaying a deep understanding of faces, clarity of thoughts and attention to detail, Ambedkar presents a blend of past milestones, present achievements and future ideas. Having worked at the heart of the Shakha system, he also highlights the internal working of the Sangh-the decision-making process, the effective coordination system and means of expansion.


Sunil Ambekar is a high-ranking pcacharak and the national organizing secretary  of  the  Akhil  Bharariya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), a responsibility he has held since 2003. A swayamsevak since his childhood days, he pursued the study of sciences and has a masters i n zoology. Ambedkar rose through the ranks, from organizing secretary of ABVP in the Vidharbha region to national secretary, regional organizing secretary  (West), joint national organizing secretary and onto his current position. His unique initiatives for educational sector reforms, making it inclusive, nationalist and pro-student, and his agitations for affordability, employability, social justice and quality education earned him  the respect and gratitude of his peers, seniors and juniors. At the invitation of the China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC) under  the International  Department of the Communist Party of China, he was part of a three-member delegation co China. He was also an international observer for the 2018 presidential elections in Russia.


‘As a spirited organization which is spread across the length and breadth of India, I wish that RSS through its shakhas serves as a “firewall” to protect the most marginalized and vulnerable children of our country who are facing violence day in and day out. I hope the RSS sensitizes the youth for a compassionate and inclusive world upholding the ethos of Sangachhadhwam and Vasudev Kutumbakam.’ -Kailash Satyarthi, Noble Peace Prize winner,2014

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