‘Unidentified Written Object’ by Partha Pratim Das


Shrill cry of an enchanted forest

Once I hear through the grey Alleys

Sank into the Darkest mystery

Unknown ever to all mechanism

Where my emotion or yours

Is born from the unknown womb

Of distant and so distant pathways

None can ever know the time but

It comes along with sweet dreams

Happiest moments or the greatest

Achievement like Love or nothing

Ecstasy to feel left for you

But the cry I till now hear..Oh

So quickest in pace but fragmented

I cannot so easily grip, left me

Into the mage I roam with disgust

So awkward my mind is also



Those hypnotizing moments

I face in the sleepless hours

On the white pillow

Beside a motionless clock

To a forest, dark and boredom

Snatch me to my helpless brain

Where no other options kept for me…


The Unfortunate I am

Oh! The pain

Of a snake –bite, sudden

So poisonous, bluish

No way! But waiting for the snake

To live or to die

Is  unconscious or less subconscious …Oh…


In what distant, grim and desolate room

I am counting or recounting

The dusty memories

Peeping with gleaning fragments

Full of mystery and enchanted fog

Deep desire overthrown…

Partha Pratim DasPoet’s Bio- Partha Pratim Das, 20, is a literature enthusiast from Kolkata, India. He is also a writer and Prof. Ketaki Datta’s student and an active member of her `Writer’s Circle’. He writes in both English and Bengali. His stories and poems have been published in various magazines.




Illustration by Alan Van Every (Featured image on the front page)

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