Author: New Asian Writing

Online Asian Literary Community

‘Good Luck Charm’ by Vibha Batra (India)

Short story selected for the 2011 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology Like most girls, Shreya was crazy about shopping. Much as she loved stacking the shelves of her wardrobe with new buys, she was extremely attached to one particular…

‘Going Home’ by Mithran Somasundrum (England)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology At the time, the sign on the noticeboard seemed too good to be true: “Going home after twelve years in Japan.  Everything free, you move.  First come/First served.” …

‘Ghosts in the Classroom’ by Paul King (USA)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology It was a normal day like any other in southern Thailand — hot. Wooden fans creaked sleepily above my head and those of my forty-seven twelve year-old students.…

‘Island. House.’ by Phil Dodd (England)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology 1 Rain came that evening and instead of a sunset there was a slow greying of the air and decrease in contrast until everything beyond the lake vanished…

‘Viper’ by Giacomo Lee (England)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology My name, ‘brigandish — enemy of the state —- stooge.’ At my age, I wish I was able to be so revolutionary. It’s a young man’s game, and I see…

‘Mangoes’ by Trirat Petchsingh (Thailand)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology Soon after my discharge from the army, I’d gotten a job driving a pickup truck delivering supplies to a general store in a remote valley about four hundred…

‘True Friendship’ by J.C. Martin (Malaysia)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology “The sea is never always calm, The sky, sometimes, not blue, But nothing on Earth can ever change The friendship we hold true!” I remember fighting back tears…

‘A Single Step’ by A.D. Thompson (USA)

Short story selected for the 2010 New Asian Writing Short Story Anthology I know it is my midlife crisis, numerically – I’m 40, and in my bones; they ache. I am hauling a 30 pound rucksack over about eight mountain…