NAW Solitude Writing Grant

The New Asian Writing Solitude Grant has been awarded to Ms Sushila Naresh Chandran. Her fictional work centres around identifying phonetic patterns with roots in Sanskrit in other foreign languages. 

We would also like to thank all other participants who sent us interesting proposals.

The submission proposals for New Asian Writing Solitude Writing Grant Program are now open. All writers/journalists/bloggers working in the South Asian Region are eligible to apply. The nationality of the author does not matter. The work must be related to the South Asian region.

New Asian Writing understands how important it is for freelance writers to work in solitude and will provide monetary support to pursue creative projects. The total grant is INR 50,000 (will be payable in two installments of INR 30,000 and INR 20,000).

How to Apply?

Submit a proposal of 600 words (title included) explaining why you need the grant money and what will you spend it on. Utilization of grant money for personal expenses and daily requirements is discouraged and the budget submitted should instead focus on equipment, travel, and stay during research work. The first 400 words should explain what you plan to work on and a brief about your background and writing works (if available). Keep the budget part limited to a paragraph or a small table. Amateur writers are strongly encouraged to apply.

Accepted proposals will focus on fiction or non-fiction writings that will ultimately lead to the production of a book. You need not submit proof of contract from a publisher. As long as you are working towards that goal, that is all we need. The grant is being provided for writers to engage in creative work without worrying about monetary resources for a particular piece of work.

The grant money will be paid in two installments and we will check and require progress to process the second installment. If sufficient progress is not produced, the second installment may be withheld.

Accepted languages: English/Hindi

Accepted proposal formats: Anything goes, articles, blogs, journal pieces, as long as it will lead to a book sometime in the future.

Deadline: 20 December, 2022.

Submit via email to naw.submissions[@] substituting the “[@]” with “@”with the subject line: Proposal for NAW Solitude Writing Grant 2022

New Asian Writing may disclose identities and share the details of prize winning writers on its site. All we ask in return is that you acknowledge (if possible) the support received from New Asian Writing when the work gets published.

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