Westland to Publish JALLIANWALA BAGH, 1919 Before and After by KISHWAR DESAI
(Releasing 31 Oct 2018)
Jallianwala Bagh captures the true horror of what happened during the massacre. In the hundred years since the incident, the volatile atmosphere in Punjab at the time has been forgotten. The details of the widespread agitation against the Rowlatt Bill, which led to the gathering at Jallianwala Bagh and the subsequent slaughter of innocents begs a nuanced and unbiased documentation.
While the book covers the events which took place from March 1919 to the aftermath in 1920, it will primarily examine the larger canvas of the revolt and rebellion in the country—for which Jallianwala Bagh became the flame which ignited the freedom movement.

Picture Credit: Westland
The book will also examine the role of some of the other nationalists, such as Madan Mohan Malviya, BG Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, and Saif ud din Kitchlew and Satya Pal, with rare photographs from the archives.
Kishwar Desai is an Indian author and columnist. She is also the Chair of The Arts And Cultural Heritage Trust (TAACHT) which has just set up the world’s first Partition Museum at Town Hall, Amritsar, Punjab, India. Her first novel Witness the Night won the Costa prize for best first novel in the UK.
Publisher: Westland | Imprint: Context | Price: INR 699 | Pages: 260 | Genre: Non-Fiction