Chandramohan S (b.1986) is an Indian English poet, short story writer and a social critique based in the south Indian state of Kerala. He is pursuing research in Mathematics, apart from being a translator, editor and a social activist. His writings reflect struggles of the marginalized people from all over the world.
Illustration by Alan Van Every (Featured image on the front page)
Broken between spines, people-birds drop like grapes to water worlds, breathless, blistered and imploding from age. Fish banter to sound alive. Horizon is a line of squinting eyes, they think. What if the dead were not dead enough? Our fossilized genealogies eye purple flowers under dirt-tombs, dewy eyed dreamers in…
Picture Credit: Speaking Tiger ‘Cauvery Madhavan’s evocative narrative spins together lives of her characters over nearly seven decades and makes The Tainted a riveting read.’—Shashi Tharoor • The history of Ireland and India’s turbulent decades bound together by romance, alienation, a quest for belonging and hope. • Will appeal to both readers of romance and…
Pic Credit: Aleph BOOK DESCRIPTION (INR-799, PP-296) ‘India lives in its villages’. This statement popularized by Mahatma Gandhi is often referred to in discussions about the country, its past, and its possible future. But what exactly is the Indian village? In the most basic sense, the ‘village’ is a kind…
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